Creepy DEMonoids™. Smh. UnGodly un-American swine. Smh.

Skumala the Taupe chooses fellow Godless corrupted & contaminated nuevo marxist leftist communist subverter DEMonoid™, Tim Walz, to be running-mate in the next Cheat Code. 

Do these two shitbirds even know each other? 

Eh, no matter, they'll work just fine together subverting our #Republic, as long we allow them to subvert our Republic. Haha


How many unGodly suicidal maniac communist #SUBVERTER DEMonoids™ does it take to destroy a free #Republic? And how many chances do we give them? 

Might be high-time for Americans to smarten-up, put down the CCP cellphones, get off the CCP SpyApps, and actually WORK to defend & protect our homeland, especially during legitimate and overt CCP #INVASION...

Good day, Patriots!

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