Thomas Crooks open carrying his rifle before Trump assassination attempt

Wow! It just never ends, guys, does it? Smh

A newly released photo seems to show Crooks, pre-assassination attempt, walking around openly carrying the rifle he used against us. Isn't that something? How in the world....

Look, I personally don't need to see anymore evidence or hear anymore interviews etc, I thoroughly believe this attempted hit was an inside job. Nothing less.

The Security State (SS) and its apparatchik are terribly afraid of not just losing political "power", but they're more afraid of all their high crimes & treason being exposed to the American 85%. This is their #1 fear.

We The People, us, the #Republic, should not let-up one bit, and continue to pummel the DEMonoids™ with an unrelenting barrage of Superior Counter-Subversion™.

UPDATE: 8.20.24 Whose this guy walking ahead of Thomas Crooks? 

Could it be a M o $ $ a d 0p/Sp00k? That's my guess!

Good day, Patriots!

BONUS meme:

Thomas Crooks was better than the Secret Service? LMFAO

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