Numbers don't lie, the Democrat Party is comprised of mostly unmarried women and gay guys

 It's true, folks. The numbers never lie. DEMonoids™ do.

There's no such thing as the "Democrat Party" anymore. It's long-been infiltrated and hijacked by the radical Godless suicidal maniac communist #SUBVERTER DEMonoids™. But even if there were, it would still be comprised of mostly Godless miserable unmarried women and perverted comm!eP3D0 gay guys....

You can't say it's a lie, because the math can't lie. It doesn't know how. The proof's in the puddin'. 

What our #Republic needs is a Mass Awakening to the abuse and assault we have endured at the hands of They/Them aka the Dual-Citizenship Khazarian Kabal and the Security State (SS) and its apparatchik that it has installed here. 

Until remedied, our entire Republic will continue to suffer under this merciless horde of bloodlusting bearded hustlers. A foreign overly-religiously-indoctrinated nationalist (illegal) State of delusional psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and predators, and parasitic entity living-off of the American Taxpayer. Smh

Without us, We The People, They/Them goes belly-up and dies-off in #Nature. 

What would follow such a turn of events? 1,000 years of world peace and harmony for us.

And a return of our land to God, where our women aren't constantly demoralized, defiled and destroyed.

A true healing of our Spirits and our Republic, under God.

Good day, Patriots!

DEMonoids™ are Godless communist trash Classic American Female PsyOp VictimClassic American Male PsyOp VictimClassic American Female PsyOp Victim w/ Mask

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